1. Panchadharla Kshetram at Dharapalem
Rambilli Taluk, Visakha District Andhra Pradesh
This village ( Dharapalem) is situated at a distance of about 10 kms. North East of Yelamanchili and 24 kms. From Anakapalli & 30 Kms from Vizag Steel Plant(via Atchutapuram). It is located on the Atchutapurm-Yelamanchili Road. We need to get down at Dharapalem village and walk towards the hill to reach the temple.
This place derived its name from the five Jets of water coming out of five fountains which receive their supplies from a natural perennial spring. Near by there is lingam on which are carved other lingams in 12 rows of 85 each and which is consequently known as the Kotilingam or Crore of lingams. Many people take a holy dip in the koneru of the panchadarla and worship Dharmalingeswara swamy.

The temple has a history of nearly 600 years, the stone carved mandapas on the 3 sides of the temple would remind us of architecture of kakatiya dynasty. The stone used for the construction of the temple may be from the beside hills along the Eastern ghats. The pillars on the temple are carved with beautiful images of Hindu Gods.

The main temple of Sri Dharmalingeswara Swamy at Panchadharla

The entrance of main temple
There are several inscriptions on the pillars of the Mandapam in the temple and two of them dated in AD 1407 and 1428 contain a genealogy of chiefs who claimed Eastern Chalukya ancestry and bore the Eastern Chalukya titles of Sarvalokasraya and Vishnu Vardana.
This temple is presently maintained under the endowments Department of Andhra Pradesh Government.
2. Dhana Dibbalu & Pandavula Guha, Kotturu
(Buddhist Remains site)
Rambilli taluk, Visakha District of Andhra Pradesh
This is an ancient Buddhist remain site with a Maha Stupa and Remains of Vihara's along with a small portion of rock cut cave used by Buddhist monks.(1ST century BC to 2ND century AD) on the hill entrance to the Gokivadu forest area. It lies along the Left banks of river Sarada.

This place is locally known as "Dhanadibbalu"
Still excavations are to be done by the archeology department at this site to excavate the viharas and minor edicts. Small rock cisterns are present very near to the Maha stupa, which is at the entrance of the hillock and at a further distance one can see the ruined mounds of Vihara with scaterred bricks. From there we can reach the rock-cut caves with small (nearly 5) portions (locally known as pandavula guha, due to the resemblance with the number of accommodation in the cave)

Many of the bricks of the stupa and vihara are presently used by the locals(ignorant about the importance of this heritage site and lack of Vigilance).

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